Turn Fabric Fragments into Adorable Aprons

While visiting my mom over spring break, she mentioned that she wished she had a light, easy-to-put-on apron. She had an old, heavy one with LONG ties that we’re difficult to tie with her arthritic hands and rediculously tempting to her cat. I witnessed her nearly tripping over Rosie as she lunged for a dangling strap. So I started thinking…

I had often seen Mrs.McKenny, our art teacher, wearing a smart looking smock that didn’t require tying and had no daggling pieces. A quick google search gave me lots of different cool clothes cover patterns and I was set.

As I roamed through Joann Fabrics, I came to the remnant bins. I love repurposing, reusing and recycling, so I happily dug through them all. It was my lucky day because I found a 1+yard piece of linen fabric that would work perfectly.

When I got home, I printed out the pattern and pinned it to the fabric. I carefully cut out the body, straps and pocket according to the pattern.








I ironed the seams before I sewed them to make then crisp and neat. I double folded the material for the seams so it would look nice and no edges were left to fray.






















I then sewed all around the edges on the body. I sewed the straps leaving one end open so I could then turn them right-side out before sewing all the way around them to give them a finished look. I then sewed them onto the front corners of the apron, crossed them over and sewed the other ends to the back corners of the apron. Finally, I sewed the pocket onto the front.

















A quick google search, a $6 fabric purchased, and 30 minutes of ironing and sewing and my mom has a new apron! After giving it a test run before sending it down to my mom, I decided I needed one, too. I got another remnant and I’m going to make one for myself.

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